five keys to becoming a high-performing firm

transformation must come at all levels.

“the world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out.” – matshona dhiliwayo, author, “the art of winning.”

by anthony zecca
leading from the edge

after your assessment of the leadership team, and the assessment of your own leadership, we move on to the challenge of answering the key question – what steps need to be taken (the road map) to move the firm from where it is today to a standout, high-performing firm?

more on edge leadership: assessing your firm | the 4 traits of great cpa leaders | why leaders must ensure clarity | incremental vs. exceptional success | do you lead or just manage? | managing vs. leading | is your leadership team at the edge? | 6 leadership challenges through covid and beyond | edge leaders share 7 strengths | leadership must drive culture | leading from the edge
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the call to action and question for you as the edge leader, for your leadership team, for your partners, and in fact for the entire firm to answer is, do you just want to fit in or are you willing to do what it will take to stand out? if you want to move to the top of the pack, what does the firm need to accomplish and how does leadership drive that transformation?